
Black father using nebulizer while giving his daughter inhaling therapy at home.

An Unrivaled Pulmonary Clinic in The Heart of East New York

Doral Health & Wellness Pulmonalogy experts offer comprehensive care for patients with lung issues. Our expert healthcare team includes pulmonary physicians, nurses, dieticians, social workers, tobacco cessation specialists, and respiratory therapists. Our clinic is equipped to care for a wide range of patients including the newly diagnosed, those who may have recently been discharged from the hospital and those interested in advanced therapies.

Pulmonary Experts In Brooklyn And Staten Island

In order to see this specialist, please schedule an appointment

Doral Health & Wellness Pulmonary Center offers the best possible expertise and care in all aspects of Pulmonology. With a combination of clinical excellence and a warm, friendly attitude, we offer consultation, reassurance, and treatment whether you have symptoms such as asthma, COPD, or more complex medical needs. We always make sure that our patients are involved in every step of the decision-making process. We avoid invasive tests and treatments when other options are available. We have access to state of the art advanced screening machines.

Occupying a fully renovated building, Doral Health and Wellness is out-fitted with state-of-the-art medical equipment that includes a 20-bed dialysis suite, a 10-bed infusion suite, procedure rooms, and an outpatient surgical unit. Through a beautiful common area, exercise rooms, and a salon, our fantastic facility fosters an attractive and comfortable environment for community members, including senior citizens and diabetic patients.

We are based within a Multi-Specialty Medical Facility in Brownsville, Brooklyn and Staten Island. By pooling our expertise within one practice, as part of a larger site and a network of trusted colleagues, we can give our patients the highest medical care standards and a holistic team approach for both diagnosis and treatment.

Pulmonology Conditions

Here are brief descriptions of the most common pulmonary procedures we perform in our Brooklyn and Staten Island  Pulmonar clinics. Explore the topic areas, read the procedures’ brief descriptions, and click through to learn more specific information about these procedures. Our Brooklyn and Staten Island pulmonologists are available to discuss these with you in more detail.

Pulmonary Embolism

Pulmonary embolism (PE) describes a blockage of one of the pulmonary arteries by a blood clot that forms elsewhere in the body and travels to the lung.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

The cause of COPD is usually long term exposure to irritants that damage your lungs and airways.

Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is the number one cause of cancer deaths in both men and women in the U.S. and worldwide.


Asthma is a clinical syndrome of chronic airway inflammation characterized by recurrent, reversible airway obstruction.


391 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn
NY 11216
Phone and Fax:
(UC 391) | 718-400-1555 | 718-400-1245

331 Knickerbocker Avenue, Brooklyn,
NY 11237
Phone and Fax:
(UC 331) | 718-400-1444 | 718-400-1244

43 Jamaica Avenue , Brooklyn,
NY 11207
Phone and Fax:
(UC 43) | 718-971-1144 | 718-971-1145

5002 Flatlands Avenue, Brooklyn,
NY 11234
Phone and Fax:
(UC 5002) | 718-400-1222 | 718-400-1247

1797 Pitkin Avenue Brooklyn,
NY 11212

155 Bay Street, Staten Island,
NY 10301
Phone and Fax:
(UC 155) | 718-400-1333 | 718-400-1243