Ingrown Toenail

stage of ingrowth of the nail
Ingrown Toenails

An ingrown toenail occurs when a toenail cuts into the adjacent skin, causing inflammation and discomfort. The large (great) toes are most commonly affected.

Signs and symptoms of an ingrown toenail arise from inflammation of the nail bed. These include toe pain, swelling, redness of the nail bed, and yellow, foul-smelling (pus) drainage. Other associated signs and symptoms can consist of limping or gait disturbances due to the toe pain. Ingrown toenails often recur after treatment. If the nail bed becomes infected, it may result in cellulitis (infection and inflammation of the surrounding skin and connective tissues).

Causes of ingrown toenails

The growth of the nail into the nail fold (the tissue surrounding the nail) causes an ingrown toenail. Injury to the toenails, tight footwear, and cutting the nails too short are all factors that can increase the likelihood of developing an ingrown toenail.

Symptoms and signs

• Cellulitis
• Foul-Smelling Yellow Pus Drainage
• Limping
• Redness of the Nail Bed
• Swollen Toe
• Toe Pain
• Unsteady gait


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