Latest Updates on HIV PrEP Effectiveness and Side Effects

With technological advancements, many recent changes have happened to HIV PrEP medications. These changes may significantly lower the risk of HIV with fewer doses. Learn about the latest updates on HIV PrEP effectiveness and side effects in this article. Log on to for a consultation. HIV PrEP drugs There are mainly two PrEP drugs approved for daily use. The drugs are given in combinations with two anti-HIV drugs in a single pill: Latest updates on PrEP drugs Two PrEP drugs – cabotegravir and lenacapavir have recently been approved for use. Lenacapavir (brand name: Sunlenca) is a prescription drug that was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat HIV infection in adults whose condition doesn’t improve with other HIV medicines and who meet certain requirements to take this medicine. This medicine is always given in combination with other HIV medicines. Lenacapavir is the first long-acting drug that is administered just once every 6 months. This drug can disrupt the protein shells (capsids) of HIV that are essential to replication, which stops the process of multiplying in the body. A new study on lenacapavir has found that it’s 100% effective in preventing HIV in females. In this study, more than 5000 females in Uganda and South Africa took part in the research, 2,134 of them got injections, and none of them were reported to have HIV. Whereas the other sections of the study that involve oral prevention pills – descovy and Truvada – daily, found 2% of them reported HIV infections. While the results of testing in men haven’t been calculated yet, experts believe that this drug may have the potential to lower the number of new HIV infections significantly if this drug becomes widely accessible. Cabotegravir (brand name: Apretude) is another long-acting drug that is given by injection once every 2 months. Healthcare professionals also call this drug long-acting cabotegravir or CAB-LA. This drug is also used for people living with HIV as part of their treatment in combination with another injected medication. It works by blocking the active site of HIV integrase, which prevents its strand transfer to the viral genome into the host genome, which prevents the replication of the virus. The HIV Prevention Trials Network conducted a study on the safety and efficacy of the long-acting injectable drug cabotegravir for PrEP in HIV-uninfected women. This trial was stopped early by the Data and Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB) because the results showed that this drug is highly effective in preventing HIV. For this study, 3,223 women between the ages 18 to 45 years old who were at risk of getting HIV infection from 20 different sites across seven countries in sub-Saharan Africa (Botswana, Kenya, Malawi, South Africa, Eswatini, Uganda, and Zimbabwe participated. The study participants were divided into two groups. One with the drug cabotegravir and daily oral PrEP placebo, and the other one with daily oral PrEP drugs and cabotegravir placebo for every 8 weeks (about 2 months). The result shows that 38 women acquired HIV, of which 4 take long acting cabotegravir and 34 take daily oral PrEP. This shows an HIV incidence rate of 0.21% in the cabotegravir group and 1.79% in the oral PrEP group. This shows while both methods are highly effective in preventing HIV, long acting cabotegravir was 89% more effective than oral PrEP. Both cabotegravir and oral PrEP are well tolerated and work well in mild to moderate severity. Effectiveness In studies, it is found that injectable cabotegravir used as PrEP is more effective than oral PrEP which includes – tenofovir disoproxil and emtricitabine because it is easy to miss oral doses daily but not with injectable cabotegravir. In a large study of gay and bisexual men and transgender women, injectable cabotegravir PrEP lowers the risk of getting HIV by 66% compared to oral PrEP. Similarly, in another large study on cisgender women, injectable cabotegravir PrEP lowered the risk of getting HIV by 88% compared to oral PrEP. The risk of reduction might be higher in women because the missing doses of oral PrEP may have a massive impact on how well PrEP works in women than in men. Lenacapavir was found to be highly effective in different studies. In the study of cisgender women and gender-diverse people, no one acquired HIV after receiving 2 doses of lenacapavir injections. This shows a 100% reduction in HIV infections compared to HIV incidence. It shows more effectiveness than oral HIV PrEP Truvada and Descovy. This means it provides complete protection against infection with minimum clinical target exposure. Side effects Like every drug, it may cause side effects such as nausea, occasional dizziness, etc. which are manageable. Other possible side effects are common injection site reactions like swelling, redness, pain or discomfort, itching, hardened skin, or a small mass or lump. If you develop hardened skin or a lump, it may take longer than other reactions to go away or it may not heal on its own. If the injection site reaction is severe or doesn’t get better within a few days or gets worse, you should contact your healthcare provider. You should tell your healthcare provider if you have any side effects that bother you or don’t go away on their own. Cabotegravir side effects happen occasionally affecting at least 1 out of 10 people, including: Many people get used to injection site reactions after a few injections. For the first 2 or 3 injections, you can take over-the-counter pain medication within a couple of hours of the injection and continue as needed for some days. You can also use a warm compress or heating pad at the injection site for 15 to 20 minutes. Other common side effects that are rare, include: Some uncommon but serious side effects include: If you have any side effects that don’t go away or get worse, you should talk with your healthcare provider. The latest HIV PrEP drugs are amazingly effective with fewer side effects. They show very promising results in
Effective Strategies for Migraine Relief: What Works Best?

Dealing with recurring painful migraine episodes is always disabling. However, you can overcome this with some strategies that involve home remedies and medications. These strategies not only improve your symptoms but may help you prevent them. Learn about the best strategies to relieve migraine symptoms in this article. Log on to for a consultation. Strategies for Migraine Relief To relieve migraine, a combination of home remedies and medications are used. Home remedies Here are some home remedies you can use to relieve migraine pain and prevent it from getting worse. It includes: You can try to identify potential migraine triggers by keeping a symptom journal to find triggers and look for patterns. Vitamin D may also lower the frequency of migraine episodes. A 2018 study found that people with migraine and vitamin D deficiency experience more days with migraine pain than others without the deficiency. B vitamins are water-soluble, so they pass via the urine (if you get extra). For this reason, a person can’t take too many. However, before introducing new vitamin supplements in your routine you should consult with your doctor. Medications Many types of medications can be used to stop migraine attacks. These medications help ease the pain and other symptoms as well. Generally, the doctor’s first-choice medications involve a combination of NSAIDs, triptans, and anti-nausea medications. Here are some medications in detail. Managing migraine symptoms can be difficult when you need to deal with severe pain, nausea, and vomiting. However, with the combination of medications and home remedies, you can manage your migraine symptoms and prevent it from getting worse. If your migraine episodes are frequent and severe, contact your healthcare professional or visit our neurologist in Brooklyn clinic to get professional medical help. Our doctors ensure you get the best treatment and give you lifestyle tips to manage your migraine better. Call at -_______________________ to book your appointment now!!! Doral Health and Wellness has several urgent care clinics around New York that can cater to your family’s medical needs. We also have the best medical providers, physicians and staff that are highly trained in their respective specialties. To know more about the locations of our urgent care clinics, you can visit us at Doral Health and Wellness. If you are looking for urgent care near you, you can visit Doral Health and Wellness Urgent Care. We provide urgent care for common illnesses and injuries. Additionally, we also provide comprehensive care for any related injuries and health problems. We also offer other services, such as vaccinations, immunizations, and blood testing. For more info, visit us or call 1-347-384-5690.
HIV PrEP and Its Impact on Reducing New Infections

Should you consider HIV PrEP to prevent HIV and lower new HIV infections? The answer is yes. When it comes to preventing HIV transmission, PrEP medications are the popular choice. Learn how HIV PrEP can reduce the impact of new HIV infections in this article. Log on to for a consultation. HIV PrEP and Its Impact on Reducing New Infections Here are a few commonly asked questions about how HIV PrEP can reduce new HIV infections: Ans. PrEP is an immensely powerful tool prescribed to stop HIV from taking place and spreading in your body. When taken correctly, it can lower the risk of getting HIV from sex by 99% (by taking pill form). If you take this drug from injection, then the chances of getting HIV infection are lowered by 74%. Ans. The answer is yes. Anyone can get infected with HIV despite their age, gender, sexual orientation, and who they have sex with. PrEP is for anyone who is at high risk of getting HIV (which can be transmitted through semen, breast milk, blood, and vaginal and rectal fluids). If you’re sexually active and don’t have HIV, ask your doctor whether PrEP is right for you. Recently, doctors have discussed PrEP with all their sexually active patients. They may recommend PrEP if: Ans. The answer is yes, this medication is not harmful for you and your baby during the time you are pregnant or breastfeeding. However, research only recommends PrEP pills instead of injections at these times. That’s why you should talk with your OB-GYN about whether you should take PrEP and get pregnant or if you are really at risk for HIV or not. They can help you determine whether you need to take PrEP during pregnancy or after you deliver. Ans. Yes, it is safe to take PrEP while on hormonal therapy because it doesn’t affect your hormonal levels. So, you can take hormone therapy to treat menopausal symptoms or as part of gender-affirming care without worrying about any side effects. Ans. Yes, you can choose between pills and injections depending on what works best for you, according to your lifestyle. A pill was introduced in 2012 that needs to be taken once a day while an injection is approved by the U.S. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is injected every 2 months. So, if you don’t mind taking medicine once a day, then pills are a better option for you. If you don’t want to take PrEP every day, the injection will be a better fit. Keep in mind that PrEP doesn’t work right away. You must take pills every day for at least 7 days to build its effectiveness against HIV exposure from anal sex. For vaginal sex and injection drug use, it takes at least 20 days to build up that protection. Also, PrEP doesn’t prevent other STIs or unwanted pregnancies, so you should continue to use condoms and birth control to protect you from STIs or unwanted pregnancies. Ans. While you can take PrEP at more than one point in your life, as your circumstances change, you should be on PrEP for as long as you’re at risk for HIV and want to stay HIV-negative. You can start or stop PrEP on your own, you need to talk with your doctor first. While you’re on PrEP, you should visit your doctor every 3 months or so. Your doctor will do bloodwork to test you for HIV and other STIs to ensure you’re healthy overall (the two main concerns are kidney function and bone health). Those follow-up visits allow you to reassess whether you still need PrEP. If you decide to stop taking PrEP, then wait for at least one month since your last possible exposure to HIV. Ans. The answer is yes. For years, the high cost of PrEP has made it impossible for many people to enjoy its benefits. Now, most health insurance and Medicaid plans cover PrEP, which is a big step toward improving access to important medicines. In case you are uninsured or underinsured, you can look into different programs that help you reduce the cost of PrEP and related healthcare services. When it comes to new HIV infections, PrEP medicine is still effective in preventing HIV. It’s highly effective in preventing HIV from holding and growing in your body. You just need to make sure that you take this medicine as prescribed by the doctor to get its full benefits in protection against HIV transmission. Need help with HIV infection or prevention options, visit our infectious disease specialist in Brooklyn clinic to get professional medical help. Call us to book your appointment now!!!!! Doral Health and Wellness has several urgent care clinics around New York that can cater to your family’s medical needs. We also have the best medical providers, physicians and staff that are highly trained in their respective specialties. To know more about the locations of our urgent care clinics, you can visit us at Doral Health and Wellness. If you are looking for urgent care near you, you can visit Doral Health and Wellness Urgent Care. We provide urgent care for common illnesses and injuries. Additionally, we also provide comprehensive care for any related injuries and health problems. We also offer other services, such as vaccinations, immunizations, and blood testing. For more info, visit us or call 1-347-384-5690.
Understanding Ocular Migraines: Symptoms, Triggers, and Relief Options

Do you feel a throbbing headache after seeing blind spots, or zigzag patterns? If yes, then you might be suffering from an attack of ocular migraine, which is a type of migraine that causes visual disturbance particularly in one eye, and within an hour a migraine headache. Its symptoms can range from moderate to severe. However, most of the episodes occur by trigger. Avoiding triggers can help you prevent this migraine. Learn about ocular migraine causes, triggers, symptoms, and relief options in this article. Log on to for a consultation. Causes The exact cause of ocular migraines is unclear, it is believed that it has the same causes as migraine headaches. Migraine headaches occur due to genetic factors, and some studies show that up to 70% of people who suffer ocular migraines have a family history of migraine headaches. Another possibility, according to some experts, is the narrowing of the arteries or veins in the eye. According to the World Health Organization, migraine headaches may be triggered by the activation of mechanisms deep in the brain, which produce inflammatory substances around nerves and blood vessels in the head and brain. Imaging studies found that auras reveal blood flow changes in the brain during ocular migraines and migraines. Some people are at higher risk of experiencing ocular migraine than others, like: Triggers People who experience ocular migraine may experience triggers that are similar to migraine with aura. Some common triggers are: You should try to identify your triggers in your headache diary so that you can either prevent those triggers or make yourself prepared for migraine episodes with the necessary medication. Symptoms Ocular migraine symptoms can vary from person to person. However, the main symptoms are visual disturbances in only one eye, or with aura, and a migraine headache. The visual symptoms of ocular migraine with aura may include: These symptoms usually last for 10 to 20 minutes before your vision starts to get better. The attacks always affect the same eye in most cases. A migraine headache happens before, during, or within an hour after the attack. You may experience symptoms of migraine headaches including: Relief options Ocular migraines usually don’t require treatment if they occur once in a while, just make sure you’re not doing any activity like driving or climbing that can be dangerous. However, if your migraine episodes are frequent and affect your everyday life, then you should seek medical treatment. The treatment’s main goal is to reduce the number of attacks and relieve the symptoms. It includes: You need to assess the situation and things that trigger your ocular migraines. Keep a diary in which you note when and how your migraines occur. Avoid those factors to lower the number of attacks you have. Both over the counter and prescription medications are used to treat recurring migraine episodes. Over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen or Excedrin can reduce the symptoms of migraine. Other medications that doctors prescribe to manage ocular migraine based on your triggers are: beta-blockers to manage blood pressure, anti-epileptics to manage epilepsy, antidepressants to manage depression, and CGRP inhibitors to manage migraines. Some of these prescription medications need to be taken regularly instead of required when you get migraine symptom flares. Some lifestyle changes and home remedies can help you manage the symptoms: Ocular migraine is a type of migraine that causes visual disturbances mostly in one eye with a migraine headache, before, during, or later (within an hour). The exact cause of ocular migraine is unknown; however, genetic factors and certain health conditions may cause this condition. Most people experience ocular migraine due to a trigger, which should be noted and try to prevent it to avoid migraine episodes. If your migraine episode happens once in a while, you don’t need to get treatment. However, if it is regular and impacts your everyday life, then you should get treatment. Treatment includes medications and avoiding the triggers to lower the number of episodes and manage their symptoms. Need help with migraine, visit our neurology clinic in Brooklyn to get professional medical help. Call us to book your appointment now!!!! Doral Health and Wellness has several urgent care clinics around New York that can cater to your family’s medical needs. We also have the best medical providers, physicians and staff that are highly trained in their respective specialties. To know more about the locations of our urgent care clinics, you can visit us at Doral Health and Wellness. If you are looking for urgent care near you, you can visit Doral Health and Wellness Urgent Care. We provide urgent care for common illnesses and injuries. Additionally, we also provide comprehensive care for any related injuries and health problems. We also offer other services, such as vaccinations, immunizations, and blood testing. For more info, visit us or call 1-347-384-5690.
Understanding HIV PrEP: Benefits, Risks, and How It Works

Should you consider HIV PrEP as a part of the HIV prevention strategy? The answer is yes. This medicine is designed to prevent or control the spread of HIV infection in the body. It is amazingly effective in preventing HIV; however, it should be taken after consulting with a doctor to find which PrEP is right for you and when. Learn how PrEP works and its benefits and side effects in this article. Log on to for a consultation. How does it work? PrEP belongs to a class of antiviral medications called nucleoside/reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs). This medication blocks the enzyme HIV uses to convert its RNA into DNA (reverse transcription). This means the virus is not able to multiply itself in your body. When you start taking PrEP, it reaches a certain level in your bloodstream, and mucus membranes to help protect you from being infected. Before starting PrEP, make sure you get an HIV test once every 2 to 3 months before and get a negative test result. If you’ve been exposed to HIV infection or have symptoms of an acute infection, you need to wait to make sure you test negative before restarting PrEP because it is not effective in treating HIV alone, and it may cause drug resistance which makes it difficult to treat your infection with another drug during an active HIV infection. Benefits Here are some benefits of PrEP you can enjoy, including: PrEP is most effective when taken consistently each day. However, it won’t protect you against other STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections), so use latex condoms whenever you have sex. PrEP can also benefit you if: How is This Medication to Be Taken? For PrEP to be effective, you must take it exactly as directed. Don’t stop taking PrEP without first consulting your physician. In the event that you run out of PrEP pills while taking them, get in touch with your pharmacist or physician to receive more. If you stop taking PrEP or miss several doses, your risk of contracting HIV will be higher than if you take it as directed. Risk and side effects Usually, people experience some side effects in their first month when they start taking PrEP. It includes: In some cases, you may experience rare but severe side effects, like: Before taking any PrEP medications, make sure you consult with your doctor or pharmacist about those medicines including side effects, and interactions with other medications. If you’re experiencing an allergic reaction or other severe side effects from PrEP medications, immediately contact the medical care center near you. HIV PrEP is highly effective if you think you may have contracted HIV, however, make sure you get regular testing and talk with a qualified doctor before taking this medicine. While PReP is beneficial for HIV prevention, unnecessary use of this may lead to drug resistance which makes it ineffective to protect you from an HIV infection. So, always consult with your doctor and take this as part of your prevention strategy which lowers the risk of contracting HIV and transmitting the virus to your sexual partners. Need help with HIV, visit our infectious disease doctor in Brooklyn clinic for professional medical help. Call us to book your appointment now!!!! Doral Health and Wellness has several urgent care clinics around New York that can cater to your family’s medical needs. We also have the best medical providers, physicians and staff that are highly trained in their respective specialties. To know more about the locations of our urgent care clinics, you can visit us at Doral Health and Wellness. If you are looking for urgent care near you, you can visit Doral Health and Wellness Urgent Care. We provide urgent care for common illnesses and injuries. Additionally, we also provide comprehensive care for any related injuries and health problems. We also offer other services, such as vaccinations, immunizations, and blood testing. For more info, visit us or call 1-347-384-5690.
STD/STI Testing Near Me: Ensuring Your Sexual Health

Being sexually active, when should you consider an STD test? Where can you get tested for STIs? How often? If you’re sexually active and these questions bother you…. Worry not! Read this article to find out about STD testing and when to get tested. Log on to for a consultation. When to consider an STD test? There’s no specific time for an STD test because STIs mostly don’t cause any symptoms. So, the only best bet to find out if you have an STD is to get tested because if an infection is caught early, your chances of getting cured or even managing the infection well will be increased. Otherwise, it can lead to severe health problems. If you’re sexually active with one or multiple partners, starting a new relationship, your partner cheated on you, or have symptoms of STI, then you should consult with your doctor when to get tested. Recommended frequency for common STI testing For common STIs, experts recommended frequent STI testing to catch the infection early and help you keep your sexual life healthy. It includes: According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), you should get at least one routine HIV screening if you are 15 years and older. Sexually active teens should consider this test every year after their first screening. Teens who are at higher risk may need to get tested often. This includes: In addition, pregnant women should get tested for HIV in their first prenatal visit or during the third trimester if they live in communities with high rates of HIV infection. Testing helps to detect HIV infection early to prevent congenital HIV infection. Thanks to routine HIV testing during pregnancy, the cases of congenital HIV infections have gotten exceptionally low in recent years. If you’re a sexually active female under 25 years, then you should consider getting tested for chlamydia once every year. If you’re a sexually active male under 25 years old and live in an area with a high rate of chlamydia in males, then you should consider testing once for chlamydia every year. You can also consult with your doctor as well. Males who are 13 years or older and have sex with other males need to get tested every year too. Pregnant women of any age should get tested for chlamydia at their first prenatal visit. All sexually active females under 25 years should need to be tested for Gonorrhea every year. Males who are 13 years or older and have sex with other males also need to get tested yearly. For pregnant women of any age, you need to get tested for their first prenatal visit. Males who are 13 years or older and have sex with other males need to get tested for syphilis every year. During pregnancy, testing for syphilis is important to prevent congenital syphilis infections, which have been rising fast in the United States. Pregnant women of any age need to get tested at their first prenatal visit and twice during the third trimester, at 28 weeks’ gestation, and after delivery, especially if they live in communities with high rates of syphilis. How do I find an STD testing center near me? There’s no specific STD testing center, however, STI testing can be performed at your local doctor’s office, community health clinic, pharmacy, or nearest Urgent Care center. Some of these facilities offer comprehensive options and free STD testing. STD testing is the best way to keep yourself safe from STIs and maintain a healthy sex life. You should take regular STD tests based on your sexual history and tests recommended by your doctor. This helps the doctor detect any infection in the initial stages and promotes effective treatment. Need help with STD testing, call us to get a consultation. For more help, visit our infectious disease doctor at the Brooklyn clinic to get professional medical support. Doral Health and Wellness has several urgent care clinics around New York that can cater to your family’s medical needs. We also have the best medical providers, physicians and staff that are highly trained in their respective specialties. To know more about the locations of our urgent care clinics, you can visit us at Doral Health and Wellness. If you are looking for urgent care near you, you can visit Doral Health and Wellness Urgent Care. We provide urgent care for common illnesses and injuries. Additionally, we also provide comprehensive care for any related injuries and health problems. We also offer other services, such as vaccinations, immunizations, and blood testing. For more info, visit us or call 1-347-384-5690.
Understanding Immunizations: Importance of Vaccination in Preventing Infectious Diseases

Do you find yourself asking “Can immunization protect me from infectious diseases?” The answer is yes. Vaccination is one of the best ways to protect yourself and your family from infectious diseases. Not only that, but it also prevents the spread of infectious diseases to others. Learn why vaccines are important to protect yourself from infectious diseases and questions to ask your doctor. Log on to for a consultation. What are vaccines and how do they work? A vaccine is a medical intervention used to build your body’s natural immunity to a specific disease before you get sick. This helps you to prevent yourself from getting infected and spreading the disease to others. For some vaccines, a weakened form of the disease germ is injected into the body, where your immune system detects those germs as invading pathogens and produces antibodies to fight them. These antibodies can take some time to build and may make you sick before the antibodies build up. Those antibodies can stay in your body for a long time and keep you safe from actual infectious diseases. In many cases, it stays in your body for the rest of your life. So, whenever you get exposed to the disease again, your body will fight the disease off before it starts causing symptoms. Some illnesses, like strains of cold viruses, are fairly mild. But some like COVID-19, smallpox, or polio, can cause life-altering changes or are life-threatening. That’s why preventing these diseases is essential. Why should you consider taking vaccinations to protect yourself from infectious diseases? There are many reasons you should consider vaccinations to protect yourself from infectious diseases, including: Vaccination-preventable infections can be deadly, which means not getting proper immunization can cost your life. For instance, the COVID-19 pandemic kills around 50,000 adults in the US each year, which is preventable with COVID vaccine. While common diseases do affect individual and family expenses, vaccine-preventable diseases are extremely expensive to treat with an elevated risk of lifetime complications or even death. For instance, an average flu illness can last up to 2 weeks, which easily delays your work or may even lead to cuts in your salary. Adults who get hepatitis A will lose an average of 1 month of work. Certain vaccines have become mandatory for school, work, travel, and more. Students, military personnel, and residents of rehabilitation or care centers need to be vaccinated against those diseases because they live in close quarters with others. Healthcare workers and others whose jobs put them at risk of catching and spreading these preventable diseases need to be vaccinated against them. And of course, vaccination is mandatory for people before traveling to different places around the world because vaccination protects you and those around you, vaccines are required for everyday activities as well as extraordinary situations. That’s why you should stay up to date with recommended vaccinations. Important considerations Before taking vaccines, you need to understand there are many misunderstandings created around vaccines. These myths and misconceptions are spread on the internet and social media platforms about vaccines. Here are 5 most common myths about vaccines, including: This rumor has been discredited because many studies show there’s no link between autism and vaccines. Infants’ immune systems can handle much more than what vaccines give them because they get exposed to hundreds of bacteria and viruses every day. Adding a few more with a vaccine doesn’t make their immune systems incapable of handling the dose. Some vaccines contain some trace amounts of substances that could harm you only if you take a large dose. These are formaldehyde, aluminum, and mercury. As the amount used in the vaccines is very little, that makes the vaccines completely safe to use. For example, all vaccinations by the age of 2 only make 4 mg of aluminum, whereas a breastfed baby takes 10 mg in 6 months. The soy-based formula delivers 120 mg for 6 months. In addition, infants have 10 times more formaldehyde naturally occurring in their bodies than what is contained by a vaccine. Toxic forms of these substances have never been used in vaccines. This is a very big misconception, especially about the Flu vaccine. Many people get sick after getting a flu shot because of the mild symptoms it triggers due to the immune system’s response. Even vaccines use weakened live viruses, which is why you may experience mild symptoms similar to the illness. But it doesn’t mean you have the disease. Many diseases are uncommon in the U.S. because of the high vaccination rate but it doesn’t mean the disease is eliminated from other areas of the world. So, if a traveler from another country brings a disease to the U.S., then anyone without a vaccine is at a great risk of getting that disease. The only way to keep the infection rate low is to stay vaccinated. You can clear all your doubts about vaccine benefits and risks with your doctor and learn what vaccines you should take. Questions to ask your doctor Here are some questions about vaccinations you should ask your doctor, including: Immunization is very important in preventing infectious diseases and keeping everyone safe. Vaccinations not only keep you safe but also protect others around you. It boosts your immunity and protects you for a long time. It also stops the spread to others and helps to eliminate the infection. That’s why you should keep yourself and your family immunizations up to date. If you need help with immunization, visit our infectious disease clinic in Brooklyn for professional medical help. Doral Health and Wellness has several urgent care clinics around New York that can cater to your family’s medical needs. We also have the best medical providers, physicians and staff that are highly trained in their respective specialties. To know more about the locations of our urgent care clinics, you can visit us at Doral Health and Wellness. If you are looking for urgent care near you, you can visit Doral
When to Schedule a Sports Medicine Exam: Pre-season Checkups, and Injury Evaluation

Athletes are more prone to injuries and illness during their activities on the field. These injuries and illnesses are evaluated by sports medicine doctors. But what should you expect during your pre-season checkups or injury evaluation? Read this article to learn what you should expect during pre-season checkups, and injury evaluations. Log on to for a consultation. When should you visit a sports medicine doctor? Almost every active athlete who plays sports is prone to sports injuries, some injuries are acute, and some are chronic. Injuries need to be addressed in time to get the best treatment and prevent the risk of future injuries. Whenever you encounter sports injuries, you should visit a sports medicine doctor because they can diagnose, treat, and prevent your sports injuries and help you to stay in the best shape and performance so that you can return to the field after recovery. The right time to see a sports medicine doctor can vary from person to person depending on their specific situations and needs. Here are some situations when you need to see a sports medicine doctor. Pre-season checkups for athletes This evaluation is used to identify and mitigate injury risks. Every athlete needs to go through this to ensure they are fit for their competition or don’t make the team weaker in the competition. Young people are more prone to injury that can turn into severe chronic problems that plague adulthood. These screenings can’t predict all injuries; however, they still identify athletes who are at risk of certain injuries based on their anatomy, fitness, and choice of sport. Then the athlete can be given some specific exercises to add to their training program to lower the likelihood of injury. Additionally, it is essential for young athletes who are in danger of overtraining or overusing certain muscle groups. It recognizes the impending injuries and stops them from overdoing it. These screenings are not only about injury prevention but also give tips for athletes to get better in performance through strength and flexibility exercises to provide them an extra edge over the competition. These screenings are done at a doctor’s office. Doctors take a physical exam of the athletes, examine their muscles, bones, and joints, and how they function together in a given scenario like baseball or gymnastics. During the pre-season screening, the doctor may ask: Once the evaluation is complete, your doctor makes recommendations tailored to your specific needs. For instance, a swimmer may be given some stretches to prevent shoulder injuries or a soccer player may be prescribed exercises to strengthen ankles with laxity. If the athlete is not experiencing any particular problems and is not at risk of injury, the doctor still recommends additional training programs to keep them in good shape. The main goal of pre-season checkups is to ensure the athlete stays strong and healthy so that chances of achieving their goals get better while staying injury-free. Injury evaluation For injury evaluation, a sports medicine doctor goes through your medical history and performs a physical exam. During your physical exam, the doctor may check your symptoms and add things related to your playing sports. The doctor may focus on the health of the lungs, heart, bones, and joints. The doctor may also check your BMI, blood pressure, pulse, vision, nose, belly, throat, joints, strength, flexibility, and posture. The doctor may also discuss your diet, drugs, or supplements you take, or menstrual periods if you’re a woman. In case your injury is severe or deep, doctors use imaging tests like X-rays, ultrasound, and CT scans to examine and monitor your injuries. Pre-season checkups, injury evaluations, and return-to-play assessments all ensure that an athlete gets into better shape after injury and performs better in the sport. These checkups are done by a sports medicine exam, which specializes in diagnoses, treatment, and prevention of injuries and illnesses in athletes. Need help with injury and illness in the sport, visit our sports medicine doctor for proper medical evaluation and treatment. Call us to book your appointment today. Doral Health and Wellness has several urgent care clinics around New York that can cater to your family’s medical needs. We also have the best medical providers, physicians and staff that are highly trained in their respective specialties. To know more about the locations of our urgent care clinics, you can visit us at Doral Health and Wellness. If you are looking for urgent care near you, you can visit Doral Health and Wellness Urgent Care. We provide urgent care for common illnesses and injuries. Additionally, we also provide comprehensive care for any related injuries and health problems. We also offer other services, such as vaccinations, immunizations, and blood testing. For more info, visit us or call 1-347-384-5690.
Return to play assessments

Athletes are more likely to sustain illnesses and injuries while participating in different sports activities. Sports medicine physicians analyze these ailments and injuries. Read this article to learn what you should expect during return-to-play assessments. Log on to for a consultation. These assessments are used to make an athlete return to the playing field after recovering from the injury and fully ready to participate in sport without putting the individual at risk of injury or illness. To ensure that, the sports physician uses some assessments, including: In this step, the doctor decides whether an athlete can safely return to practice or competition or not. For that, the doctor evaluates the athlete’s health status, participation risk, and extrinsic factors. This is a key step to ensure a diagnosis and direct treatment for the athlete save to return to practice or competition. Repeated evaluations throughout the continuum of injury play a major role in this category to optimize medical care and help in the RTP decision Evaluation of an injured or ill athlete must include: This category includes comprehensive treatment and rehabilitation options for an injured or ill athlete to optimize the safe and timely return to practice or competition. It includes: The final decision for safe and timely return of an injured or ill athlete to practice or competition with the desired result from the process of evaluation, treatment, and rehabilitation. The RTP decision is a complex process that involves the health status of the individual and participation and extrinsic factors and may require interpreting information from multiple sources. The responsibility falls on the shoulders of the team physician to consider these factors to make RTP decisions and communicate and document about implications and risks with the athlete and parents and guardians in case the athlete is a minor. For confirmation, the team physician check: Need help with injury and illness in the sport, visit our sports medicine doctor for proper medical evaluation and treatment. Call us to book your appointment today. Doral Health and Wellness has several urgent care clinics around New York that can cater to your family’s medical needs. We also have the best medical providers, physicians and staff that are highly trained in their respective specialties. To know more about the locations of our urgent care clinics, you can visit us at Doral Health and Wellness. If you are looking for urgent care near you, you can visit Doral Health and Wellness Urgent Care. We provide urgent care for common illnesses and injuries. Additionally, we also provide comprehensive care for any related injuries and health problems. We also offer other services, such as vaccinations, immunizations, and blood testing. For more info, visit us or call 1-347-384-5690.
All You Need to Know About Allergy Testing: Types and Procedures

Did you know that around 81 million people (about twice the population of California) in the US are diagnosed with seasonal allergic rhinitis? To prevent these allergic reactions, you need to get properly diagnosed and learn about your allergens. For that, you need to take allergy tests. Learn what allergy tests you can expect for a diagnosis in this article. Log on to for a consultation. Allergy tests Allergy tests are used to identify the source of an allergic reaction which is essential for someone who experiences severe or repeated allergic reactions. Allergic reactions can be caused by many sources and may affect the body in different ways. Some allergies are harmless but uncomfortable, while others cause severe problems. The most common causes of allergies include: The most common symptoms you may get from an allergic reaction include: To check your allergies, the doctor may use different types of allergy tests depending on the symptoms and the patient’s medical history. It includes: The skin prick test is the most common test used by the doctor to identify the potential causes of an allergy. It is simple, inexpensive, and quick, it can find a broad range of allergens. It is useful when the predicted allergen, such as a seasonal allergy or food allergy, has an immediate response. To do that, the doctor will place a series of potential allergens along the person’s forearm, keeping space between each sample to prevent any overlap. Then, they make a small prick in the middle of each sample, so that the allergens enter the outer layer of the skin. If there is an allergic response, the skin may show signs of redness and swelling, producing a hive or wheal in the affected area. The doctor will use a medical exam and information about a person’s history and geographic surroundings to select allergen samples for the skin prick test to get better result accuracy. The skin prick test can identify allergens that cause conditions such as: This test is used next to the skin prick test if it doesn’t produce satisfactory results. While the skin prick test only enters the skin’s surface layer, this one goes beyond the use of a syringe to inject the potential allergen under the skin. Although this test is extremely sensitive to pick up allergens that may cause allergic reactions, it may not be an extremely specific test and often leads to false-positive results. Patch test is used when the suspected allergen causes a delayed response. For example, they may expect a reaction after a couple of days rather than instantly like in the case with contact dermatitis. In this test, the doctor places a patch containing a sample of the proposed allergen on the person’s back, and it remains there for around 2 days. The doctor then removes the patch and assesses for an allergic reaction. It may need to be done again in 2 to 3 later. If skin responds to allergens, it is more likely to cause itchiness and show signs of swelling and dryness. Blood tests are useful when skin tests fail, or other tests are unsafe or inconvenient. The doctor will take a blood sample to complete serum immunoglobulin (IgE) tests. During the procedure, a healthcare professional takes a blood sample, extracts serum IgE from the blood, and assesses it for an immune response against different potential allergens. A challenge test can be used to identify the source of food allergies. This procedure is always done under the supervision of a healthcare professional. During a challenge test, a person will consume a small sample of a potential food allergen while the doctor watches for symptoms of an allergic reaction. Doctors use this test in patients with allergies to bee or wasp venom to check if the treatment is successful or not. If a bee or wasp stings you, it can be irritating and painful and causes a red bump or swelling. However, if you’re allergic to the venom in an insect bite, you may have a more severe reaction such as hives, swelling, or difficulty breathing. Allergy vaccines are used to change the natural course of allergic diseases, especially in case of allergy to insect stings so that they don’t get anaphylaxis symptoms. These vaccines are given to patients for 3 to 5 years. After this time, the doctor may suggest this test to see if the patient becomes tolerant or not. To perform this, they take a bee or wasp and put it on the arm of the patient until the insect stings the patient. After that, the patient is watched to see if symptoms appear. Depending on the type and severity of the symptoms, it can evaluate how efficient immunotherapy is to continue or discontinue it. This is a type of lung function test to evaluate asthma, especially in people who have allergies. Individuals who report symptoms or have results that are suspicious of asthma need this test. During this test, you are asked to inhale deeply and then forcefully exhale quickly while blowing into a device that measures your lung function. You need to repeat this at least 3 times to make the results consistent. The lung function is recorded on a device called a spirometer and the doctor interprets your results. Allergy testing is required to find the allergens that cause allergic reactions in people. These tests help the doctor to plan the treatment accordingly and how to prevent the allergens to avoid allergic reactions. Need help with allergy testing? Visit our immunologists in the Brooklyn clinic for professional diagnosis and treatment. Call to book your appointment today. Doral Health and Wellness has several urgent care clinics around New York that can cater to your family’s medical needs. We also have the best medical providers, physicians and staff that are highly trained in their respective specialties. To know more about the locations of our urgent care clinics, you can visit us at Doral Health and Wellness. If you are looking